Browse and select cases

Find below instructions on:

How to open a case

To open a case, mouse over the corresponding row in the Cases table and click on the Open case text next to the Case ID (first column). Alternatively, once a row is selected, clicking on it again will open the case as well.

How to filter cases

Go to Filters, select the field under Field, then choose or manually input value under List and click on Apply. To add another filter, click on Add new.

To remove a filter, under Active filters, click on the cross icon on the right of the filter setting. To clear filters altogether, click on the cross icon on the right of Filters.

Available filters include:

  • Case Id

  • Status: Issue reported, Uploading, In progress, Re-Analysis, Archived, Delivered, Confirmed, Approved, Pending Sequencing, or any other customized case status

  • Participants - users involved in the case submission, analysis, finalizing, or those who subscribed to receive updates on the case.

  • Type: Custom Panel, Exome, Whole Genome

  • Sample Id

  • Resolved: Resolved, Not Resolved

  • Label: any customized Case label

# How to sort cases

You can sort cases by:

  • Creation date, or

  • Due Date.

To do this, hover over the column name and click on the up or down arrow to sort ascending or descending, respectively. The current sorting order is depicted as a single up or down arrow symbol next to the column's name.

Alternatively, you can click on the name of the column and select Sort ascending or Sort descending in the dropdown menu.

How to search for cases

You can use the Case search tab in the top bar to search for cases by the Case ID or Proband ID.

How to group cases

To group cases by Case Status, go to Group and select _Status; t_o undo grouping, select None.

How to tweak _Cases table_** view**

Select fields to be displayed

A. Select fields to be displayed: go to Fields and set a toggle switch next to each field name in on or off position per your desired view.

B. Hide the currently displayed field: click on its title and select from the dropdown menu Hide column.

Change column order

A. Drag and drop columns: hover over the column title cell, click on the six-dot icon on the left to the text, drag to the desired location and drop.

B. Set column order under _Fields_: go to Fields, hover over the field name, click on the six-dot icon on the left to the text, drag to the desired location and drop.

C. Move a particular column: click on the column title and select from the dropdown menu Move left or Move right.

Change column width

Grab the right or left border of the column title cell and drag it with your cursor to the desired width.

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Last updated