User roles
Emedgene users are defined by roles. Roles are managed in Settings > User Management. Access to the User Management tab is restricted to those with the appropriate permission.
The available roles for Emedgene are described below:
User Role | Description | Component / Flow | User Level |
Acmg Tags | Allows to see ACMG Tags | Analyze > Variant page | All |
Acmg Tags Edit | Allows to edit ACMG classification | Analyze > Variant page | Analyst, Director, Manager |
Add New Test | Allows to manually create a case or (32.0+) upload a batch of cases via .csv | Analyze > Add a new case | Analyst, Director, Manager |
Apidocs | Allows to see API documentation | Analyze | IT team |
Auto Analysis | Allows to see the AI Shortlist analysis results | Analyze > Variant page | All |
Candidate Compound With | Allows to combine two compound variants by gene name on the candidate page | Analyze > Case page | Analyst, Director, Manager |
Change Finalized Test Status | Allows to unlock a finalized case | Analyze > Case page | Director, Manager |
Check Preset | Allows to implement Presets from a list | Analyze > Case page | Analyst, Director, Manager |
Comment | Allows to send a comment | Analyze > Case page | Analyst, Director, Manager |
Comment Delete | Allows to delete a comment | Analyze > Case page | Manager |
Create Report | Allows to generate report template | Analyze > Clinical report | Director, Manager |
Create Variant | Allows to create an additional variant | Analyze > Case page | Director, Manager |
Developer | Allows to see developer settings (Webhook) | Analyze | IT team |
Download | Allows to download files | Analyze > Case page | Analyst, Director, Manager |
Due Date | Allows to edit due date | Analyze > Case page | Analyst, Director, Manager |
Edit Test | Allows to edit test's info | Analyze > Case page | Analyst, Director, Manager |
Evidence | Allows to see evidence page | Analyze > Variant page | All |
Evidence Edit | Allows to edit evidence page | Analyze > Variant page | Analyst, Director, Manager |
Evidence Generate | Allows to generate initial evidence | Analyze > Variant page | Analyst, Director, Manager |
Evidence Pathogenicity Edit | Allows to edit evidence pathogenicity | Analyze > Variant page | Analyst, Director, Manager |
Evidence Text Edit | Allows to edit evidence text (Variant interpretation) | Analyze > Variant page | Analyst, Director, Manager |
Gene Lists Read Only | Allows to show the gene list | Analyze | All |
Gnomad Genome | Allows to see GnomAD genome data annotation | Analyze > Variant page | All |
KMS | Allows to access Emedgene Curate | Curate | All |
KMS Create Gene | Allows user to create a new gene in KMS | Curate | Manager |
KMS Create Variant | Allows to create new variant in KMS | Curate | Manager |
KMS Export | Allows user to export from varpage to the KMS | Curate | All |
KMS Import Network Variant | Allows user to import variants from Network to Curate | Curate | Manager |
KMS Update Disease ID | Allows to update disease ID of the variant in KMS | Curate | Manager |
KMS Update Gene Interpretation | Allows user to update gene interpretation in KMS | Curate | Manager |
KMS Update Gene Transcript Ref Sequence | Allows user to update a gene selected transcript in KMS | Curate | Manager |
KMS Update Gene Note | Allows user to update gene note in KMS | Curate | Manager |
KMS Update Interpretation | Allows to update interpretation of the variant in KMS | Curate | Manager |
KMS Update Note | Allows to update variant note in KMS | Curate | Manager |
KMS Update Pathogenicity | Allows to update pathogenicity of the variant in KMS | Curate | Manager |
KMS Update Transcript | Allows to update transcript of the variant in KMS | Curate | Manager |
Load Bam IGV | Allows to synchronize external IGV viewer with the platform | Analyze > Case page | All |
Manage Case Default Page (34.0+) | Allows to set a default page upon entering a case | Analyze > Settings | Manager |
Manage Case Identifier (33.0+) | Allows to set a custom case identifier | Analyze > Settings | Manager |
Manage Column Order (34.0+) | Allows to customize the default order of Variant table columns. | Analyze > Settings | Manager |
Manager Edit Variant Tags | Allows user to manage variant tags | Analyze > Settings | Director, Manager |
Manage Gene List | Allows to create, edit gene lists | Analyze > Settings | Manager |
Manage Gene List Visibility | Allows to manage gene list visibility | Analyze > Settings | Manager |
Manage Kit Bed (30.0+) | Allows user to manage kits and bed uploads | Analyze > Settings | Manager |
Manage Labels | Allows to manage labels | Analyze > Settings | Manager |
Manage Platform Version (33.0+) | Allows to set a platform version | Analyze > Settings | Manager |
Manage S3 Credentials (32.0+) | Allows to create access key and secret key; deactivate, activate and delete access key. | Analyze > Settings | Manager |
Manager Support Access (31.0+) | Enable/disable support access to the organization | Analyze > Settings | Manager |
Manage Test Presets | Allows to create Presets from gene lists, filter | Analyze > Settings | Analyst, Director, Manager |
Manage URL Pattern (33.0+) | Allows to set a platform version | Analyze > Settings | Manager |
Manager | Organizational admin (manager) role | Analyze | Manager |
Multiple Storage | Allows to change the organization URL pattern | Analyze > Settings | Manager |
Network | Allows to see available networks, request to join networks, leave networks, approve or reject invitations to join networks, edit existing networks of organization | Analyze > Settings | Manager |
Network Create | Allows to create a new network | Analyze > Settings | Manager |
Network Manage | |||
(32.0+) | Allows to create a network and define its sharing policy; leave networks | Analyze > Settings | Manager |
Phenomatcher | Allows to filter by phenotypic match | Analyze > Case page | All |
Preset Create (34.0+) | Allows to create Presets from active filters | Analyze > Case page; | |
Analyze > Settings | Analyst, Director, Manager | ||
Preset Group Create (34.0+) | Allows to create and edit Preset groups | Analyze > Settings | Analyst, Director, Manager |
Preset Group Default (34.0+) | Allows to set a default Preset group | Analyze > Settings | Manager |
Preset Group Download (34.0+) | Allows to download a legacy (V1) Preset group JSON file | Analyze > Settings | Manager |
Preset Group Hide (34.0+) | Allows to hide a Preset group from the Preset groups list offered at case creation | Analyze > Settings | Analyst, Director, Manager |
Preset Group Revert (34.0+) | Allows to revert migration of a legacy Preset group | Analyze > Settings | Manager |
Preset Delete (34.0+) | Allows to delete a non-locked Preset | Analyze > Settings | Analyst, Director, Manager |
Preset Lock (34.0+) | Allows to lock and unlock editing the Preset | Analyze > Settings | Manager |
Preset Manage (34.0+) | Allows to view and edit a Preset in JSON format | Analyze > Settings | Manager |
Re Upload Tab | Allows to re-upload files | Analyze > Case page | Analyst, Director, Manager |
Render Template | Allows to create a variant interpretation paragraph on the fly | Analyze > Clinical report | Analyst, Director, Manager |
Report | Allows to export a report as a PDF | Analyze > Clinical report | Director, Manager |
Report Preview | Allows to preview report | Analyze > Clinical report | All |
Sanger Edit | Allows to edit Sanger sequencing information | Analyze > Variant page | Analyst, Director, Manager |
Storage Provider | Allows to manage storage providers | Analyze > Settings | Manager, IT team |
Tag Variant | Allows to tag a variant | Analyze > Variant page | Analyst, Director, Manager |
Test Status | Allows to change test status | Analyze > Case page | Analyst, Director, Manager |
Test Status Move to Trash | Allows to assign a Move to trash Case status | Analyze > Case page | Manager |
Test Status to Finalized | Allows to change case status to finalized | Analyze > Case page | Director, Manager |
Transcript Edit | Allows to change the default transcript for variants | Analyze > Variant page | Analyst, Director, Manager |
Unknown Phenomatch | Allows to use Unknown Phenomatch variant filter | Analyze > Case page | All |
Upload | Allows to upload files to be associated to a case | Analyze > Add a new case | Analyst, Director, Manager |
User | Regular user role | Analyze | All |
User Management | Allows to manage users | Analyze > Settings | Manager |
User Read (30.0+) | Allows users access to organization data | Analyze | All |
User Rerun Case | Allows to rerun cases | Analyze > Edit case info | Analyst, Director, Manager |
Versions Tab | Allows seeing the versions tab | Analyze > Case page | All |
If you are not seeing part of the roles from the user management interface, please be in touch with our support.
Last updated