Family tree legend

While adding a new case, you will build a pedigree and annotate each of the samples with data required for analysis (Add new case page --> Family tree screen).

After the case has been created, the family tree is available in the Case details panel (righthand panel of the Cases page).

Family tree legend:

  1. Icon fill color in other pedigree members indicates the presence or absence of the proband's phenotypes in a present sample (regardless of the potential presence of additional unrelated phenotypes):

  1. Filled - the individual is affected by all of the proband's phenotypes;

  2. Half-filled - the individual is affected by some of the proband's phenotypes;

  3. Empty - the individual is not affected by any of the proband's phenotypes.

  4. Icon color intensity denotes whether sample files have been uploaded for the particular individual:

  1. Full color - the sample has files loaded in the case;

  2. Faded color - no sample files are available.

  3. Icon line type indicates whether the sample is considered or excluded during analysis (relevant to samples with uploaded files only):

  1. Solid - the sample is included in the analysis;

  2. Dashed - the sample is ignored by Inheritance filters and the AI Shortlist algorithm, but you still can explore its genotypes. ā€‹


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