Curate navigation panel

The Curate navigation panel is a vertical left-side panel that serves as a guide to the curated database.

It features (from top to bottom):

1. Home button

Clicking this deselects the variant you're looking at and brings you to the top of the variant table;

2. Human reference icon

Displays the currently selected reference genome. Upon clicking, you can change between GRCh37/hg19 and GRCh38/hg38 coordinates;

3. Add new variant/gene** button**

Launches the Add new data flow;

4. Variants button

Leads to the Curate Variant table;

5. Genes button

Leads to the Curate Gene table;

6. Articles button

🚧 under development;

7. Connection button

🚧 under development;

8. Emedgene Applications button

Opens the menu to allow you to switch back to Analyze from Curate;

9. User initialsor profile picture.

Last updated