Adding patient info for the non-proband samples
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Add new case page > Family tree screen > Add patient information panel > Patient info section
Note: The fields marked with (*) are mandatory.
Note: Please omit the Patient ethnicities field for non-proband samples.
Options: Male, Female, Unknown.
Indicates the family relationship of a subject to the Proband automatically inferred from the pedigree. Options: Father, Mother, Sibling, Child, Other.
Expected format: mm/dd/yyyy.
Mark the checkbox if you want to exclude the sample from the AI Shortlist analysis and Inheritance filters while preserving genotype data.
If a sample shares some phenotypes with the Proband, you can copy them by checking this box. Proband's phenotypes will appear in a newly created Related Phenotypes section. To remove any of the proband's phenotypes not observed in a current individual, click the ☒ button next to the HPO term in the Related Phenotypes section.
Note: A popup notification will appear at the bottom of the page if any input HPO term or HPO ID is unknown.
Phenotypes not shared with a Proband. They can be added one by one (Selection mode) or in batch (Batch mode).
Please follow the steps described below for each phenotype:
Enter an HPO term (e.g., Hypoplasia of the ulna), an HPO ID (e.g., HP:0003022), or a descriptive phenotype name (e.g., Underdeveloped ulna) in the search box;
Select a matching term from a dropdown menu and press Complete after you've added all the terms.
Paste a list of comma-separated HPO terms or HPO IDs (🆕 32.0+) in the search box and press Complete.