Variant tagging widget
Any variant can be tagged by the AI Shortlist or a user as:
Most Likely Candidate - most promising for solving the case
Candidate - worth considering
Incidental - found in one of the medically actionable genes defined by the ACMG
Carrier - identified by the Carrier analysis pipeline
In Report - manually selected to be reported
Not relevant - automatically tagged variant disregarded after manual review
Any custom tag used in your organization (e.g., Submitted for Sanger confirmation)
Variant tags are shown in the Variant tagging widget of the Variant page Top bar. If the variant has been tagged manually (besides or instead of automatic tagging by the AI Shortlist), the user-selected tag will be shown in the Variant tag field. Otherwise, you'll see an automatically chosen tag or N/A for no tag.
Variant tagging widget how-to:
Click on the dropdown icon in the Variant tag field and select a suitable tag. The Variant tag field showcases the most recently assigned tag.
Click on the dropdown array in the Variant tag field and select Not relevant.
Click on the dropdown array in the Variant tag field and select Clear.
Note: you can't clear a tag added by another user.
Last updated