Multiselection of variants and bulk actions (34.0+)

Note: multiselection and bulk actions are only available in non-finalized cases to maintain data integrity and preserve the finalized case data.

Multiselection of Variants:

  1. Hover over a variant to reveal a checkbox at the start of the line;

  2. Checking the box exposes the Multiselect actions bar which replaces the Search bar, and checkboxes appear for all variants in the current view;

  3. Manually select variants one by one or check the Select all checkbox. Note: the Select all function applies solely to variants displayed on the current page, not all variants matching the active filters.

Bulk actions:

1. View/un-view variants

How to change the review status for multiple variants at once:

  1. Select variants of interest;

  2. In the Multiselect actions bar, click on the Viewed icon and select Viewed or Un-viewed. Note: user-tagged variants can’t be un-viewed.

2. Assign/remove tags

How to assign a tag to multiple variants at once:

  1. Select variants of interest;

  2. In the Multiselect actions bar, click on the Tag icon and choose a tag from the dropdown menu. Note: If any variants already possess tags, a warning message will appear. Click on Apply to proceed.

How to remove tags from multiple variants at once:

  1. Select variants of interest;

  2. In the Multiselect actions bar, click on the Tag icon, then click on:

    1. Clear to remove user-assigned tags, or

    2. Not relevant to remove tags assigned by emedgene's algorithm.

3. Assign/clear pathogenicity

How to assign pathogenicity to multiple variants at once:

  1. Select variants of interest;

  2. In the Multiselect actions bar, click on the Pathogenicity icon and choose a pathogenicity class from the dropdown menu. Note: only tagged variants can have pathogenicity assigned.

How to clear pathogenicity from multiple variants at once:

  1. Select variants of interest;

  2. In the Multiselect actions bar, click on the Pathogenicity icon, then click on Clear.

Last updated