New in emedgene 2.26 (Dec 14, 2021)

Emedgene Curate is here!

Emedgene Curate is a new way to store and manage your organization’s curated data. It forms a single repository for your expert manual curations, across human reference builds and test types. This knowledge management system clearly displays curated data where you need it, in analysis workflows.

When analyzing a case, the Summary, Clinical Significance, and Related Cases sections will clearly highlight that the variant already exists in emedgene Curate, and provide a link out. You can review curated data and determine whether to reuse it for this case.

If the variant has not been curated, you can export your variant and interpretation.

Easily switch between emedgene Analyze and emedgene Curate, using the handy application icon on the left of your browser.

Increased quality flexibility

Version 2.26 adds more flexibility in setting own quality controls. In addition to allele bias and depth, we added the ability to filter by alternate read, as well as a new alternate read column (SNVs).

Control visualization settings

Most Emedgene users utilize two screens when viewing a variant, with one set to their preferred desktop viewer, whether Alamut or IGV. Emedgene automatically changes the desktop viewer as you move between variants.

Now you can control whether you’d like the desktop viewer to move between variants automatically or not. If you’re working (from home) on a single screen and not utilizing a desktop browser, you can disable the desktop viewer updates.

API enhancements

The majority of our customers use APIs to add workflow automation and decrease manual labor through connectivity with LIMS, EHR and other health IT systems.

This version improves error tracing when API input doesn’t match expected data, for easier troubleshooting by our respective IT teams.

We’ve also added additional export capabilities using our API.

Improved ethnicity inclusion

We have also expanded the list of ethnicities available during case creation.

Last updated