Variant search
You can search for variants in the Variant search box by:
Single phenotype - "phenotype1" (e.g., "Mandibular prognathia")
Disease - "disease1" (e.g., Kabuki syndrome 1)
Disease inheritance mode - "inheritance mode1" (e.g., Autosomal dominant);
Genomic position - "coordinate1" (e.g., chr11:2686616)
Specific SNV/indel variant (32.0+) - "variant" (e.g., chr1:27089776G>T)
Genomic range - "range1" (e.g., chr11:2686616-2886620)
CNV length - "cnv_size:size1" (e.g., cnv_size:100000-10000000)
Gene symbol - "gene1" (e.g., BRCA1)
Multiple gene symbols added in batch - "gene1, gene2, gene3" (e.g., BRCA1, BRCA2, UBE3A)
Most of the above-listed options may be combined.
Last updated