
Presets are combinations of Filters that match your case analysis SOPs.

For versions prior to 34.0, technical support is required to implement a customized filter Preset. But with version 34.0 and later, users can easily do it on their own.

Create filter Presets from active filters (34.0+)

To save Presets from active filters:

  1. Open the *Filterspanel and navigate to the Filters tab;

  2. Click on the three-dot icon;

  3. Select Save as preset;

  4. Enter a name for the Preset (Note: Avoid using non-Latin symbols that don't follow the ISO-5589-1 standard);

  5. Click Save.

Where can I manage Presets? (34.0+)

To manage filter Presets, navigate to Settings > Organization Settings > Lab Workflow > Presets. From here, you can edit, delete, or lock/unlock the preset as needed.

Create filter Presets from your gene lists (32.0+)

  1. In Presets, scroll down and click Add beside Gene Lists.

  1. Select the gene lists you want to utilize as filter presets by marking the relevant checkboxes. Starting from version 30.0+, a search bar simplifies list navigation by allowing you to search by list name.

  1. Click Save.

Presets originating from gene lists will appear in Presets under Gene Lists.

Review logic behind the Preset (32.0+)

On 32.0+, for a quick refresher, you may review the logic behind each Preset directly within your analysis flow. To do so, click on an downward arrow icon left to the Preset's name.

Last updated