How to add a variant to Curate

Manually add a new variant in Curate

To manually add a new variant:

  1. Click on the *Add new variant/gene button,

  2. Select a desired human genome assembly,

  3. Fill the variant's description in the format "chr1:123456 A>G",

  4. Click Save. You will be directed to the variant's Curate Variant page.

Export from the Variant page

For customers having using Emedgene Analyze, it is possible to export a variant from the Variant page:

  1. Tag the variant,

  2. Click on the Export to Curate button on the Variant page Top bar. You will be directed to the variant's Curate Variant page in a new browser tab.

Note: Only users with a specific role have permission to export variants to Curate.

Last updated