Manage Azure Blob data storage

Read first about data storage and follow the new storage procedure. link

Azure Blob Storage Credentials update procedure

Add/edit the above 4 values into the appropriate fields.

How to find the stroage parameters

Emedgene Storage Setting

Client (Azure) Settings

Link to how to get


The client_id is the application_id - format is like: ########-####-####-####-############ (letters/numbers)


The client_secret is the Value of the client_secret tuple (Value, Secret ID) - format is like: sQQQQQqQ_QQQQqqQ.99qqQqQQQQQQQQQQ.QqQ2 (letter/digits/sprecial chars)


The tenant_id is the id of the tenant - format is like: ########-####-####-####-############ (letters/numbers)


The account_name is a name the customer must supply - format is like: string



The container_name is a name the customer must supply - format is like: string



The account_url of this Azure account - format is like:

* Only needed for the account_url

Walkthrough For Customer To Setup Blob Integration

Create an App registration

  1. Go to Azure AD, press on App registrations ​

  1. Press on "New registration"

  2. Fill the name of the application & press "register." ​

​4. ## You got to the registered app page: (CLIENT_ID / TENANT_ID)From this you can retrieve: Application ID and Tenant ID. Both are marked in the screenshoot.

  1. Press "Certificates & secrets"

  2. Press on "New Client secret"

  1. Fill the "Description" and change expires to 12 months. (or according to your organization policy), than press "Add" ​

8. ## Get the CLIENT_SECRET from this page.

  1. Give this App registration roles and read access to the relevant Blob.

Azure Blob configuration

  1. Go to Azure Storage accounts ​

  1. Get into the relevant Storage account ​

  1. Press on "containers" ​

  1. Press on the relevant container ​

  2. Press on "Properties" ​

  3. Copy the ACCOUNT_URL

For Internal support:

Errors for bad connections can be found in CloudWatch on particular FRY log stream

Search for: BlobApi, BlobFs, azure.

Last updated