V32 Patches
June 19th, 2024
Feb 12th, 2024
Jan 1st, 2024
Oct 26th, 2023
V32.4 hotfix released for the following issues:
Add New Case | Storage | Fixed a timeout issue retrieving BSSH projects for customers with very large numbers of projects.
Pipeline | Fixed an issue that caused variants with GT = “.” to be displayed as Hemizygotes on the user interface.
AI | Fixed a limitation of the AI with processing variants with large ClinVar annotations.
Candidate Page | Fixed issue where displayed gene on candidate page differed from gene in evidence graph/analysis tools.
Variant Page | Updated Orphanet links to new Orphanet structure.
Variant Page | Fixed an issue where MitoTip prediction score quartiles were mislabeled, although the score appears correctly.
Curate | Fixed an issue where related cases component could link to the wrong related case if payload data was missing.
Reporting | Fixed an issue where reanalyzed cases between versions could sometimes result in issues tagging variants for reports.
Performance: Additional updates to increase performance specifically for IGV component.
V32.3 hotfix released for the following issues:
Add New Case | NovaseqX added to selectable sequencers.
Cases Page | A search on this page will only search for EMG ID, sample names, or any string in the test data. This fix will improve performance.
Analysis Tools | Fixed variant count issue for compound heterozygous filters caused by using a single source for what is essentially a two-step process. Only count displayed was incorrect.
Variant Page | Fixed incorrect gnomAD link after the gnomAD v4 release.
Performance: Additional updates to increase performance through infrastructure modifications.
Pipeline | Fixed a bug that rarely caused discordant AI Shortlist results between a first and second analysis due to model selection.
Pipeline | Fixed an issue causing some reanalysis cases to fail due to insufficient backward compatibility with previous zygosity values. This fix will improve pipeline robustness.
V32.2 hotfix released for the following issues:
Performance: Additional updates to increase performance through infrastructure modifications.
V32.1 hotfix released for the following issues:
Batch Upload | Fixed issue for singleton cases uploaded with batch uploader that resulted in inability to edit cases after creation.
Batch Upload | Fixed issue causing Not Authenticated error for customers with more than 100 BSSH projects.
Batch Upload | Improved backward compatibility for Gender changed to Sex field (in v33)
Lab Page | Fixed issue of no coverage statistics for cases with missing samples. Coverage appropriately generated for the samples submitted with the case.
Lab Page | Fixed missing average coverage affecting some pipelines.
Analysis Tools | Manually Added Variants | Fixed a bug where manually added variants are sorted incorrectly causing them to ‘disappear’ from the UI.
Analysis Tools | Export | Resolved issue in export of some Presets and Filters due to incomplete customer facing role.
Variant Page | Updated Decipher link after link structure change.
Curate | Fixed User Interface bug where selecting a disease associated with a gene for a variant, makes is appear like it is selected for all variants in that gene. Backend is behaving as expected, each variant is independent.
Curate | Enable customers to login to Curate when signed into a different organization on Analyze.
Reanalysis | Fixed backward compatibility issue preventing variants in cases originally analyzed on and before V27.0 to be pushed into a report.
Settings | Fixed issue where S3 credentials couldn’t be generated for long domain names. Character limit is eliminated.
Settings | Fixed issue in kit BED validation for chromosome validation.
Infrastructure: Multiple improvements of resource allocations to increase robustness.
Pipeline | Improved error logging for DRAGEN for easier troubleshooting.
Pipeline | SMN Caller | Fixed multiple issues causing case failures from FASTQ & BAM.
Pipeline | SMN Caller | Fixed issue for GRCh37 & SMN caller where relatedness isn’t calculated due to Peddy failure.
Pipeline | Enable flow where in a trio only the Proband has Ploidy outputs and parents don’t.
Pipeline | Don’t fail cases where no samples are provided but ignore samples isn’t set.
AI Shortlist | Include full gene list in Phenomeld for virtual panels, irrespective of phenotypic match.
Pipeline | Fixed issue where proband coverage copied to parents for customers starting from joint gVCF.
Last updated
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